Janine Miller
You can hear Janine Miller present classical music every weeknight after 7:00 p.m. She also helps choose the music you hear every day, as part of the music programming team. The seeds were sown early for Janine Miller's career in radio. She was born in Northern California but began her schooling here in Phoenix. Her report cards were mostly A's but often included the comment, "talks too much to her neighbors"!
Janine would spend hours each day listening to LPs and quizzing herself on the composers and classical works that she heard. Janine's parents, sisters, and brothers all took piano lessons and sang. Other instruments in the household included the bass, flute, viola, violin, drums, ukulele, and banjo! Janine began studying the oboe at age 10 and attended the University of Missouri-Columbia on a full music scholarship.
She caught the "radio bug" by volunteering at the classical station, KBIA and received her degree in Radio-TV-Film with a minor in music. At UMC, she met an electrical-engineering major named Bernard Miller. Janine is pictured here with a treasured photo taken when the two of them were on a cruise celebrating their wedding anniversary.
She and Bernard got married and moved to England when he was named a Marshall Scholar by the British government. Janine kept busy in England and at Manchester International Airport, her voice could be heard announcing flight information and paging passengers in 9 different languages. Upon the Millers' return to the States, Janine went back to classical announcing: first, at WITF-FM, Harrisburg, PA, then WSCL-FM, in Salisbury, MD, where she was its first Program Director. She worked several years as Production Manager and announcer at WWFM, a station in Trenton, NJ.
The Millers moved to the Phoenix area in 1993, and KBAQ was on the radio constantly. In 1999, Janine contacted KBAQ, and, fortunately, they needed announcers. You can hear Janine present classical music weeknights, and she chooses the music that you hear every day, as part of the music programming team. The Millers enjoy the many arts-related activities in the Phoenix area, are active church members, and fans of the Diamondbacks.